If you are citing a direct quotation from a film, you can use the time stamp in place of a page number within the in-text citation.
Director, A. A. (Director). (Year). Title of video [Film]. Production Company.
(Haggis, 2004)
Note: If the edition of the film you used is important, such as a special extended edition, include that in the brackets.
Source: Publication Manual, 10.12 (examples 84-85)
Use this for videos posted on websites or blogs, such as YouTube, TED, a news website, etc. If you are citing a direct quotation from a video, you can use the time stamp in place of a page number within the in-text citation (see Example 1).
Author, A. A. [username]. (Year, Month Day). Title of video [Video]. Website. http://xxxxx
Note: If citing from the TED website, list the speaker as the author. If citing from YouTube, list TED (or the account) as the author and include the speaker's name in the title.
Sources: Publication Manual, 9.8 and 10.12 (examples 88 and 90)
The library database Films on Demand may contain different types of videos, including full films and television episodes. You will usually not be able to identify a director for a video; begin with the title in that case. Identify as many of the components as you are able.
Director, A. A. (Director). (Year). Title of video [Film]. Production Company.
Title of video [Film]. (Year). Production Company.
Title of episode (Season X, Episode X) [TV series episode]. (Year). In Title of series. Production Company.
Writer, A. A. (Writer), & Director, B. B. (Director). (Year, Month Day). Title of episode (Season X, Episode X) [TV series episode]. In C. C. Executive Producer (Executive Producer), Title of TV Show. Production Company.
Source: Publication Manual, 10.12 (example 87)
It is preferable to locate a speech in a retrievable source (e.g. in a book, website, video, etc.), and then cite that source.
Source: Publication Manual, 10.13 (example 96)
Only cite an interview if it is retrievable. If it is a personal interview that is not able to be accessed by the reader, follow the guidelines for personal communication.
Interviewee, A. A. (Year, month day interviewed). Title of interview [Interview]. Website. http://xxxxx
Source: Publication Manual, 10.13 (example 95)
Artist, A. A. (Year). Title of song [Song]. On Title of album. Label. (Original work published Year).
Artist, A. A. (Year). Title of album [Album]. Label. (Original work published Year).
Sources: Publication Manual, 10.13 (examples 91-92)
Host, A. A. (Host). (Year, Month Day). Episode title (No. XX) [Audio podcast episode]. In Title of podcast. Production Company. http://xxxxx
Source: Publication Manual, 10.13 (examples 93-94)