Operation of heavier-than-air aircraft and related activities. Aviation can be conveniently divided into military aviation, air transport, and general aviation...
Family notable in U.S. industrial history. The Du Pont family's importance began when Eleuthère Irénée Du Pont established a gunpowder mill on the Brandywine River in N Delaware...
Organized military force for fighting on the ground. A national army is used to further a political policy by force either within the state or on the territory of another state...
Originally, all ships of a nation, whether for war or commerce; the term navy now designates only such vessels as are built and maintained specifically for war...
General term for the political and economic theory that advocates a system of collective or government ownership and management of the means of production and distribution of goods.
In US history, the period 1920-33 when the Eighteenth Amendment to the US Constitution was in force, and the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol was illegal...