You can limit to articles that have HTML articles by using FM T in one of the search boxes. This will include articles that have HTML and PDF together or just HTML. Then you can use the HTML article option to listen, download to MP3, and choose a language to translate the article. The article can be read in different languages, but the listen feature is in English. The settings can adjust the speed, highlight the text, choose the color of the text, enhance the text visibility, and scroll automatically.
ReadSpeaker is used in several of the library databases.Any of the EBSCOhost database articles with HTML full text have the option to translate or listen to the text. Some EBSCO databases include Lexiles, or reading levels, in citation information. The Lexile Rankings assigned to a result provide educators with an estimate of the reading difficulty of the result, and the approximate grade level reading ability required for comprehension.
If enabled by your administrator, EBSCOhost can read HTML articles aloud to you using the Text-To-Speech feature.
To use Text-To-Speech:
Locate an EBSCOhost article in HTML format which you would like read to you.
From the Accent drop-down menu, select an accent in which you would like the article to be read.
Click the Settings icon to set your Reading Speed and Highlighting Options.
Select your reading settings, including:
Click the Listen button to hear the article read outloud.
Click the Download button to download an MP3 file of the article being read to your computer.
On the Text-to-Speech toolbar, click the Download button.
Select to Open or Save the file to your computer.
You may also choose to have only a section of an article read to you.
Highlight the passage of text you would like to be read outloud. A new mini-toolbar appears. Click the Listen button on the mini-toolbar.
You may also download audio files of HTML articles being read aloud to your computer in MP3 format.
To download Text-to-Speech MP3 files:
On the Text-to-Speech toolbar, click the Download button.
Select to Open or Save the file to your computer.
If saving the file, browse to a location in the Save As dialog box and click Save.
The MP3 file is saved to your computer.
"Listen" Feature
Each Credo entry and Topic Page has a built-in screenreader option available. The listen feature icon is to the right of the title of the entry. To listen to the article click on the icon. To listen to a specific section of an entry, highlight the section with your mouse and click listen (not compatible with keyboard commands). You can change the settings and download to MP3. In the upper right of the screen, there is a translation option that will change the text of the headings to a different language. It does not translate the article.
GVRL is a database of scholarly multidisciplinary encyclopedias and specialized reference sources. A multitude of topic areas are covered, including: business, history, law, literature, medicine, multicultural studies, philosophy, religion, social science, and technology
To hear a document read aloud, click or tap Listen to expand the player and begin playback.
On the Listen player, you can adjust the reading speed and customize other Settings. By default, the text is highlighted as it is being read.
To download an audio file of the document, use the Download MP3 tool on the Listen player.
Download MP3 is also available under Tools.
TIP To reset the player, close the player (click or tap the Close Player arrows) or refresh the page. You can then select a different portion of the text or listen to the entire document.
The amount of selected text that the audio player will read aloud depends on your web browser and operating system.
Articles in Opposing Viewpoints also have the option to listen with the ReadSpeaker service. You can download and choose the settings for listening. There is an option to translate in the tools options, as well. After you select and article, the tools for speech to text are in the tool line above the article.