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Legal and Ethical Aspects of Healthcare - MGMT 353 Resource Guide: Find Articles

Find Articles

Legal Database

This database used to be called LexisNexis Academic.

Business Databases

These databases are an excellent place to find journal articles dealing with a wide variety of business topics, including legal and ethical issues of healthcare.

Medical Databases

These databases have information not only on medical topics, but also managerial issues in the field of healthcare.

Multiple-Subject Databases

These multiple-subject databases may also be helpful for finding articles on legal and ethical aspects of healthcare.

Newspaper Databases

The databases below give you access to search multiple newspaper titles simultaneously.

Find Articles


Article Quick Search

Find journal, magazine, and newspaper articles


Special Reports from CQ Researcher

The reports below are from the library database CQ Researcher.  Other reports may be found in that database.

Special Reports from the Library's Opposing Viewpoints Database

For a wide variety of controversial social and political issues, the Opposing Viewpoints database "delivers 13,000+ pro/con views, 1,000+ court case overviews, and thousands more topic overviews, biographies and profiles" to help students understand and evaluate the issues.  (Quote is from the database itself.) 
Each Opposing Viewpoints topic/portal page contains an overview essay, viewpoint essays, news/magazine/academic journal articles, reference entries, statistics, primary source documents, and links to websites, videos, audio, and images.
You can search for topic/portal pages by using the link to the Opposing Viewpoints database listed below and clicking on the "View All" link for "Business and Economics," "Health and Medicine," "Law and Politics," etc.   You can also enter search terms in the box in the upper right.

The New York Times Topic Pages

"The New York Times" (NYT) newspaper website has topic pages.  "Each topic page collects all the news, reference and archival information, photos, graphics, audio and video files published on" a wide variety of topics.  These resources are "available without charge on articles going back to 1981." (Quotes are from the website itself.)

Below are links to the home page of the topic pages and to a few sample subjects that are covered.

PubMed Search

Below is a link to articles from the most recent three years found in the PubMed database maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

After clicking on the link, select the "free full text available"  link in the left-hand menu.  The search opens in a new window.

Health Care Reform

Journal & Newspaper Locator

Search for a journal, newspaper, or magazine title to see if the publication is available at the library in print and/or through one of our online databases. You can use this locator if you have a citation and want to find the article in full text.