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Textbook Program

FAQ for Columbia College's Textbook Program

Online and CCG Program Frequently Asked Questions

What is Columbia College's Textbook Program?

CC's textbook program ensures students have access to all of their required course materials on or before the first day of class. Through this program digital materials will be delivered directly within D2L. If the required course material is not available digitally, a physical copy will be automatically shipped to you. Any physical materials shipped to you are yours to keep as long as you complete the course. 

How does it work?

  • Register for your classes
  • Physical materials will be shipped approx. 13 days prior to the first day of class or 24-48 hours after you enroll in classes. Please make sure your shipping address is correct with the college.
  • Digital textbooks will be available 1 week before classes start in your D2L course shell or within 24 hours of registration.
  • If your course uses a digital homework product like a MyLab, it will not be available until the 1st day of classes. 

What is included in the program?

The program provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, and access codes to eligible students.

What is excluded from the program?

The program does not include consumables that cannot be returned and reused such as art kits and calculators.

How do I enroll in the program?

All eligible students will be automatically enrolled in Columbia College's Textbook Program.

Can I opt-out of the program?

While it is NOT recommended, students have the option to opt-out of this program by communicating their intent to opt out to their academic advisor. Students will then have to submit a completed Textbook Program Opt-out form before enrolling in courses at the College for the semester. Once a student registers for at least one course for the semester, the next opportunity to opt out is before registering for the following semester. Opting out means you will not receive access to your required course materials in a convenient package at a discounted rate.

How do I change my opt-out status?

To change your status and opt into the textbook program, please contact your academic advisor for directions. 

How do I purchase my course materials if I decide to opt-out of the program?

Students will be responsible for purchasing their required course materials through any place that sells textbooks.

If my course is cancelled or I drop a course, do I need to return my physical materials?

Yes, if a course is cancelled or you drop a course and you are not taking the same course within a session, you should return your physical materials. To do so, visit Ingram Returns to generate a pre-paid return label. Materials from dropped courses must be returned within 30 days of receipt.

If my textbook is digital, can I purchase a print copy?

If you would like a paper copy of your textbook, you may purchase it from the VitalSource Bookshelf app for eligible textbooks after the enrollment Add/Drop period of the session has closed. Paying to print a book is entirely up to you.