You can set up a personal account that you can use to save search results, persistent links to searches, saved searches, search alerts, journal alerts and web pages to your personal folder.
To set up a personal account:
Click the Sign In in the top toolbar of the screen.
From the Sign In Screen, click the Create a new Account link.
The Create a New Account Screen appears with Personal Account entered in the Account Type field. Fill in the fields on the Create a New Account Screen. When you have completed the fields, click Save Changes.
When you create a new My EBSCOhost folder account, or are updating the existing password for your account, you are required to create a strong password.
As you begin to enter a new value into the password field, the strength indicator will reflect how strong your password is using both color and strength value (red=weak vs. green=strong).
When your password meets the requirements, the indicator displays that your password is strong and you can retype the password in the next field to confirm it.
If all the information was accepted, a message appears that provides your user name and password. Click OK. You will be automatically logged in as a personal user. You should note the user name and password you created so you can log in at a future session.
The Notetaking feature assists with your research by allowing you to take notes on eBooks and save them to your My EBSCOhost folder for later viewing.
To use the Notetaking feature in EBSCOhost:
From page of the eBook on which you would like to leave a note, click the Notes icon in the toolbar.
Click the + New Note button that appears in the Notes area. If there are existing notes, they appear in a list in the Notes area.
Note: Click the Sign In link to save your note to your personal My EBSCOhost folder account.
Enter your note text in the field provided and click the Save button. You can adjust how the text appears in your note using the Bold, Italics, and Underline buttons above the text field.
Your saved note appears in the Notes list.
Click the Note title to edit the text.
Hover your pointer over the note to either Delete or view the page number of the note.
Click the in the upper-left corner to close the Notes area.
When you have a personal My EBSCOhost account, you have your own folder to collect and store information across sessions. All the items you save to your personal folder remain in your folder until you remove them. Only you can access your My EBSCOhost folder. For more information click on personal area (folder)
Here are some basic instructions on using your folder.
Sign in to your My EBSCOhost account.
Search for the information that you want to save in your folder. You can save all types of search results to your folder. (For example, articles, links to searches, images, etc.)
Add the items to your folder in any of the following ways:
Add one item – Click the folder icon located to the right of the article title. This adds only the single selected item to your folder. If you have custom folders in your account, select a folder to add the article to.
Add all the items on the page – Click the Share link and then click Results (1–10) link at the top of the menu. This adds all items listed on the page to your folder.
When the article result is added to the folder, the folder icon will change to a folder item icon . Clicking this icon will remove the result from your folder.
From the Detailed Record, you can add one item. Click the Add to Folder link at the top of the tools menu. This adds only this single item to your folder.