For company information, NetAdvantage provides you access to Standard & Poor's company profiles, financials, stock reports, analysis, and more.
For industry information, NetAdvantage provides you with surveys of more than fifty broad industries and more than 115 sub-industry reviews.
You can search for a company by entering its name or ticker in the search box at the top of any screen. This search box is to the right of "NetAdvantage."
You can also search for a company by using the "Companies" tab in the blue banner near the top.
There are three ways to access an industry survey.
Each industry survey in the NetAdvantage database has a section on how to analyze a company in that industry.
Accessing an Industry Survey via a Specific Company's Report
Bring up the record for a specific company as explained in the box above.
Click on the link for "Industry Surveys" in narrow left column under the heading of "My Links" or "Research."
A list of CFRA Equity Research reports appear with the most recent one at the top of the list. You will notice that there are different types of industries listed in the "Headline" column.
Click on the link in the "headline" column or the PDF icon in the "Reports" column. You will get a detailed industry survey.
Accessing an Industry Survey via the "Industry Surveys" Section of the Database
Click on the link for "Industry Surveys" in the blue banner near the top of the page.
Drop down the "Select a GICS Industry" menu.
Select an industry.
Click on "search."
Click on the link in the "Headline" column or on the PDF icon.
Open or save the PDF.
Accessing an Industry Survey via the "Markets" Section of the Database
Hover over the link for "Markets" in the blue banner near the top of the page.
Click on the link for "Industry Surveys" under the "Market Research" heading.
Click on the "Headline" link that is a column heading. This alphabetizes the industries by their name.
Click on the PDF icon or the Industry Classification link in the "Headline" column for the appropriate industry report.
Open or save the PDF.
Industry profiles are different than industry surveys. There are two ways to access industry profiles.
Accessing Either an Industry Profile or a Sub-Industry Profile
Click on the link for "Markets" in the blue banner near the top of the page.
The screen defaults to the Energy Industry Profile.
Click on the "Refine Industry" link under the blue banner on the right of the screen.
Select an appropriate industry or sub-industry from the list and click on "Submit" in the lower right corner of the box.
Explore the sources provided there.
Accessing An Industry Profile, but NOT a Sub-Industry Profile